Winter Weather Advisory
If Louisville and Marlington schools have called off due to hazardous conditions, Mass and parish activities will not take place.
End of Life Seminars
The Knights of Columbus are offering End of Life Seminars starting Jan 21, 7:00-8:30 pm, SHM Hall. There will be 5 presentations. Reservations: call 330-871-0109 or 330-875-2827.
Every Sunday, Doors open 4:30 pm.
- Night at the Races
- Saint Isidore will host a Night at the Races, Saturday March 1st 6-9 pm. Must be over 21 to attend. Purchase tickets 330-495-2900 by February 26th.
- Altar Flowers: Call Shelly Swierz 330-875-3550.
- Volunteers needed: Home Bound ministry, Altar Servers, Greeters, Choir members!