Exciting news!! CCD will begin Oct. 6, following the 8:30am Mass. Come meet your teachers. Let's learn together.
Bible study has resumed! Every Monday morning, 9:30 am Saint Louis Community Room.
Movie Night: Oct 12, 7 pm, SHM Hall.
Faith Talk with Deacon Randy Revelation Part 2 will be OCt 16, 7 pm.
Euchre Night! Bring your own beverage and try your hand at euchre, Friday evening, Oct 25. Doors open at 6:45 pm, dealing begins 7 pm. $10 per person
BINGO! Every Sunday, Doors open 4:30 pm.
Recycle days: The Knights of Columbus will collect paper and cardboard Sunday morning, 9:30-10am @Saint Louis, every Sunday in October.
- OCIA classes are forming. Know someone who is interested? Have them call the office: 330-875-1658.
- Altar Flowers: Call Shelly Swierz 330-875-3550.
- Volunteers needed: Home Bound ministry, Altar Servers, Greeters, Choir members!