Funeral Music
Processional/Recessional (Pick 2)
Amazing Grace G645
Baptized in Water G903
Be Not Afraid G683
Christ Be Our Light G590
Dwellers in the Holy City G976
For all the Saints G884
Here I Am Lord G777
How Great Thou Art G578
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say G724
I know that my Redeemer lives G527
Jerusalem, My Happy Home G870
Keep in Mind G646
On Eagle’s Wings G691
Shepard of Souls G910
Sing with all the Saints in Glory G539
The Servant Song G751
We Walk by Faith G680
Responsorial Psalm: Shepherd me, O God G35
Presentation of Gifts (Pick 1)
(may be also used for meditation)
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus G 949
Ave Maria ~ Schubert (Special Request, must be preapproved)
Eye has Not Seen G728
Lord of All Hopefulness G663
Prayer of St. Francis G828
Without Seeing You G922
You are Mine G721
- Communion Hymns may also be used
Communion Hymns (Pick 1)
Behold the Lamb G939
Bread of Life, Cup of Blessing G947
Bread of Life from Heaven G 943
Come to the Banquet G931
Eat this Bread G941
Gift of Finest Wheat (You Satisfy the hungry Heart) G940
I am the Bread of Life G945
I receive the living God G916
Jesus, Hope of the World G909
Life Giving Bread, Saving Cup G926
One Bread, One Body G932
Song of the Body of Christ G924
Take and Eat G950
Take and Eat this Bread G928
Taste and See G930
Meditation (Pick 1)
Ave Maria ~ Schubert (Special Request, must be preapproved)
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman G889
Mary First Among Believers G893
*Song of Farewell G974 v. 1, 2, 3
In Paradisum G977
May Holy Angels G978
The Hand of God Shall Hold You G981
On Eagle’s Wings
Shepherd me, O God
Here I Am Lord
Gift of Finest Wheat
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
Song of Farewell
Be Not Afraid