ADORATION: Every Tuesday 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Saint Louis Parish
BAPTISM: Diocesan policy requires that parents attend a Baptismal class prior to Baptism. Please phone the church office for further information. (330) 875-1658
Click here to view/print Arrangements for Baptism for and Statement of the Sponsor/Godparent form (one for each Godparent)
CONFIRMATION: For more information, please phone the church office (330) 875-1658.
EUCHARIST: The Eucharist is celebrated during all of our Mass times. First Eucharist needs to be coordinated with the Pastoral Associate.
MARRIAGE: Diocesan policy requires that you contact a priest at least six months in advance of the wedding.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Please register at the church office by phone or in person.
PRIESTHOOD or RELIGIOUS LIFE: Contact the priest
RECONCILIATION: Every Wednesday at St. Louis, 5:30- 6:15 or by appointment.